Microsoft Teams Enterprise Voice Diagnostic Tool

This will be a quick one. I promise. In another blog post I claimed, or rather said, that I don’t know of any other way to check if a Teams…

This will be a quick one. I promise. In another blog post I claimed, or rather said, that I don’t know of any other way to check if a Teams user is enterprise voice enabled via GUI than to try to add the user to a call queue.

GUI Method 1

If you try to add a user which is not EV enabled to a call queue, TAC will show the following error message:

GUI Method 2

When I wrote this, I totally forgot about the diagnostic tool which is built into the Microsoft 365 Admin Portals “Support” section. If you click the following button on Microsoft Docs, you will be redirected to the self diagnostic test tool within the Admin Portal.

You can also use this direct link or type “Diag: Teams Dial Pad Missing” in the search field when opening a new request.

You will then see a field where you need to enter the username of the user you’d like to check. Click on “Run Tests” to run the diagnostics.

This will also check if the user is enterprise voice enabled and tell you if that’s not the case.

It doesn’t seem to also check the licenses properly because this user already has a Teams Phone Standard License, but EV is not enabled yet.

If we run the same test for a user which is EV enabled, the diagnostics come up empty which means that there are no issues / EV is indeed enabled.

Other Cases

The diagnostics tool can also help you discover other issues like check for not assigned phone numbers or voice routing policies.

PowerShell Method

Of course, there’s always PowerShell. To query the information we need, we can just run the following:

Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity | Format-Table DisplayName, EnterpriseVoiceEnabled, OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy, LineURI, FeatureTypes

This will tell us all the interesting information like if the user is EV enabled, if it has an online voice routing policy and what kind of feature types are supported.

Note: Microsoft recently introduced the FeatureTypes attribute in the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell module. (I’m using 4.2.0 as of writing this article). This means that there’s no need to check for a valid license via other PowerShell Modules like MSOnline, AzureAD or Microsoft.Graph anymore.

Users which don’t have a Teams Phone Standard license assigned, won’t show “PhoneSystem” in their supported feature types.


I’d still wish that TAC would reflect somewhere if a user is EV enabled or not. But at least there are some workarounds to check if a user is EV enabled if PowerShell isn’t available at a given time for any reason.

Even though this tool has been around for quite some time, I don’t think that many Teams Admins know about it. How about you, did you know that something like this existed?

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